

Art. No. 10015399

2 Reviews

RRP €199.00 2
€117.46 1


The VW Bus or VW Transporter is without doubt one of Volkswagen's most "earth-shattering" vehicles. Within the factory, the vehicle was called the Volkswagen Type 2 T1 and went into series production in March 1950. The name "Bulli" probably originated as a combination of bus and van. The "chunky" shape of the van could also have been used. The T1's technology and boxer engine (initially a "whopping" 25 hp!) were largely derived from the VW Beetle. And with these ingredients the great success story of the VW "Bulli" began.

Experience technical fun for you and your whole family with this kit from FRANZIS! Build your VW Bulli T1 engine model from 200 parts and detailed instructions in approx. 2 hours. Many things move just like the real thing: crankshaft, pistons, valves. A sound module is also included, which reproduces the typical boxer sound. The individual parts are easy to assemble without glue.

  • 200-part kit of the VW Bulli T1 boxer engine
  • transparent functional model
  • scale: 1:4
  • original engine sound
  • Manual: 94, pages, including detailed step-by-step building instructions and interesting facts about the history of the classic VW Beetle
  • Engine size: 22 x 20 x 17 cm
Additionally required: 3 x 1.5V batteries (AA)

registration number WEEE: NPWD 349771

Reviews (2)
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